
EMS Safety Foundation's August 7th Web Bulletin Outline

Welcome to this Web Bulletin from the EMS Safety Foundation.

This August 7th Web Bulletin is very information dense - here is an outline of its contents.

Outline of additional info covered in the August 7th Bulletin:
1. EMS Safety Foundation June 28th 2012 Webinar info
2. NASEMSO Ambulance Model Rules Initiative
3. NIH Office of Emergency Care Research
4. FEMA Think Tank
5. Rolfsen Oslo EMS Response Presentation
6. iRescU project: and Hands for Life August 25th Challenge
7. TRB EMS Safety Systems, Strategies & Solutions Summit, Feb 29, 2012
8. NIST Meeting
9. New web site
10. New info for ANSI- Z.15 Fleet Standard
11. Rettmobil 2012 Webinar and First Few Moments Podcast
12. National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Public Safety Sector Council meeting
13. White House Public Safety Data Initiatives
14. Health Data Palooza, DC update
15. Social networking and you - etags and twitter
16. Forthcoming EMS Safety Conference presentations and Workshops

Click here for a detailed .pdf bulletin covering this content

Here is a secure link to the complete August 7th EMS Safety Foundation Web Bulletin, Complete August 7th EMS Safety Foundation Web Bulletin
with the access link to the forthcoming August 14th NFPA 1917 and Standards Update Webinar and also to the detailed info outlined above

If you would like to access these secure links, do let me know ASAP, so I can address your login/membership needs.

Do encourage folks join in the hands only CPR event on August 25th in Stamford CT, to train a record number of people in hands only CPR, and to find and add those AEDs to the iRescU database!

Best regards,

Nadine Levick MD, MPH
Research Director,
EMS Safety Foundation

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